Impact Wealth

وفرة الأثر المالية

الأثر المستدام

نحن هنا لنصنع الفرق في جودة الحياة


رؤيتنا ورسالتنا


بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم ، فإنه وانطلاقاً من ممكّنات رؤية مملكتنا الغالية التي تسعى بتوجيه قيادتنا الرشيدة أيدها الله الى زيادة مساهمة القطاع الخاص في الناتج المحلي ، ونظرا لتداعي التحديات الاقتصادية دوليا والتي كان لها اثر طفيف بفضل الله محليا على مختلف النواحي الحياتية - حياة الأفراد و حياة الأعمال ، فقد أطلقنا حزمة من الحلول الرقمية المبتكرة ليس فقط لمجابهة التحديات فحسب وإنما لرفع الناتج المحلي للمملكة العربية السعودية عبر قوة و أدوات الرقمنة.

A Message From Our Leader

Make your employees feel welcome and valued with a carefully crafted opening message. Aside from serving as a greeting, this space is also great for showing what your company culture is like by example. Share your thoughts on the company's beginnings and growth. Mention your vision for the company. Remember to express your appreciation and willingness to listen to everyone's ideas. And finally, remind each person how important they are to the bigger group.

Ariadne Snyder,

Chief Executive Officer

Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape
A Woman In White Long Sleeves Working in an Office

Sustainability Development Goals

There are 17 SDGs and 169 targets in total. While they are all important and interrelated, some will be more relevant to your business than others. This section can identify the specific SDGs and targets your organization is prioritizing, and demonstrate how they align with your own business strategy and goals.

Circle with gradient

climate action

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point.

Circle with gradient

life below water

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point.

Circle with gradient

no poverty

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point.

Performance Indicators

Performance goals are a good way to monitor and measure progress. Reporting performance can include details such as indicators identified, data collected, and SDG-related activities accomplished. Clear and concrete performance goals make it easier to generate relevant, consistent, and comparable data over time, in formats that your audience can understand and appreciate.

Key Indicator

Activity / Project

Data / Outcome

Your Key Performance Indicator goes here

Add a few details describing the related activities

  • What results did you obtain from your project?
  • Write them here.

Your Key Performance Indicator goes here

Add a few details describing the related activities

  • What results did you obtain from your project?
  • Write them here.

Your Key Performance Indicator goes here

Add a few details describing the related activities

  • What results did you obtain from your project?
  • Write them here.

Going Green

Infographics aim to present information in a visually appealing way. For an infographic to be compelling, it should have a fascinating topic. A creative title and eye-opening statistics should also support it. For credibility, ensure your infographic has a reference.

Protecting the Oceans

Infographics aim to present information in a visually appealing way. For an infographic to be compelling, it should have a fascinating topic. A creative title and eye-opening statistics should also support it. For credibility, ensure your infographic has a reference.

Our Next Steps

Where do you go from here? Sustainability reports are not just about looking back, but also looking forward. This SDG Progress Report is a continuous work in progress - a way for your organization to track its impact and improvements over time.

This section outlines your strategy for continuing the good work done so far.

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point.

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point.

This space gives you more room to expound on your message. Remember that writing effectively is an art. Start by using simple, everyday words people can easily understand. Be clear and direct to the point.


End your report with a review of the highlights and a renewed commitment to continue working on making the SDGs attainable by 2030. A vision statement, call-to-action, or quote from your leaders are powerful ways to conclude your progress report. Leave your audience inspired and motivated to help your organization achieve its SDG-aligned goals!

Summarize the key points here.

  • Add a bullet point here
  • Add as many as you need
  • Add a bullet point here
  • Add as many as you need
  • Add a bullet point here

Summarize the key points here.

  • Add a bullet point here
  • Add as many as you need
  • Add a bullet point here
  • Add as many as you need
  • Add a bullet point here

Summarize the key points here.

  • Add a bullet point here
  • Add as many as you need
  • Add a bullet point here
  • Add as many as you need
  • Add a bullet point here


Most reports conclude with a page acknowledging the contributions of the people who worked tirelessly on the projects mentioned within. Below, list down the names of those committed to these projects, such as:

Portrait of Businesswoman

Saira Kohli


Add details in

1-2 sentences

Man in White Dress Shirt

Lars Peeters


Add details in

1-2 sentences

Portrait of Young Business Man

Trinh Hien

Marketing Officer

Add details in

1-2 sentences

A Man and a Woman Collaborating in Business

Yanis Petros

IT Officer

Add details in

1-2 sentences

م. ماجد مباركي

مهندس ميكانيكا

مؤسس و مطور مقترح المنظومة


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